Welcome to the guidance and counselling page. My name is Danielle Carter. I started working at Tamborine Mountain State School in 2024.
Here is some information about the guidance service:
What does a guidance officer do?
The job of a guidance officer (sometimes called school counsellor also) is varied. Guidance officers work closely with students and their families and teachers. They do this in order to provide a wide range of support to students.
A guidance officer's responsibilities include:
- working directly with students and teachers to address a range of student difficulties, such as, behavioural difficulties, attention and concentration difficulties, attendance issues and school refusal, social and emotional wellbeing, or mental health concerns
- working collaboratively with support personnel, family and other specialists/professionals
- providing guidance and counselling services to students
- performing case management and referral to external support services to provide wrap-around support for student engagement in learning
- preparing and implementing professional and personal skill development programs for administrators, teachers and parents
- working collaboratively with other school-based support personnel to assess and address the needs of students
- planning or assisting in planning support programs that can help students achieve positive outcomes
- identifying factors that can be barriers to the learning and development of students
- conduct psychoeducational assessment for students with learning challenges
To access the guidance service, the first step is to discuss any needs or concerns with the student's classroom teacher. Then the teacher consults with the Deputy Principal and puts a referral through to the Student Wellbeing Team. The team then reviews the needs of the student and decides on the best supports to put in place for that child. The support may include the Guidance Officer, Youth Support Worker, Youth Support Teacher Aide, School Chaplain, a social skills program, or another form of support.
My contact email address is dxcar5@eq.edu.au