Tamborine Mountain State School Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) is a strong and active organisation that supports our school by making a positive contribution and difference in the educational outcomes for all students.
Our P&C aims to bring the community, including parents, citizens, students and Tamborine Mountain State School (TMSS) staff together to:
- Support and enable the development, innovation and management of school facilities, equipment and environment through fundraising and grants;
- Provide feedback on school policies and activities; and
- Provide additional services to support the recreation and welfare of students and through them, our local community.
The operation of our P&C is governed by a constitution (below). The Association is affiliated with the Queensland Council of Parents and Citizens’ Associations, which aims to “support and advocate for P&Cs to achieve quality educational outcomes in Queensland State Schools”. (source: http://www.pandcsqld.com.au/about-us/about-pcs-qld/)
Remember: the things you do, as a member of our school community, will make a real difference to what we can achieve together.
Mission Statement
TMSS P&C aims to support our children in the school environment through positive leadership and behaviour, supplying additional classroom resources, assisting with social activities and fostering strong community relationships. We will achieve this by adopting a collaborative and shared understanding of the school's needs.
The P&C meets at the school at 7pm on the third Thursday of each month in The Basement (staffroom under office). Parents and carers are encouraged to come to share their views or just listen and find out what's going on.